PART-1 : Text-Classification techniques on subtitles of YouTube.

Raghav Agarwal
6 min readJun 24, 2021


This blog focuses on various types of text-classifications techniques on YouTube subtitles in Machine Learning


- Making Data and Analysis- Defining problem statement- Text Classification Techniques    - Using BOW
- Using TF-IDF

Making Data and Analysis

Google Colab link

Follow the above Google Colab Link made by me to understand how I made the data and did some analysis for this blog ,

Summary of Google Colab

1) The data has two columns- subtitles , labels

2) Labels have the values : 0- “Entertainment” , 1- “Academic”.


1) Both the labels are quite Imbalanced in the main data frame

2) The language present in the dataframe are of various kinds — English , French , etc and kept only english language.

3) The length of the subtitles exceeds the range of 100000 in some cases.

4) The number of entities present in a subtitle file can be more than 1000 in some cases.

Defining Problem Statement

“Classify Text into Academic and Entertainment”.

“In ML problem statement , a binary classification of text into Academic and Entertainment”.

Dictionary for Text preprocessing :1) Stop Word Removal :  Removing stop words
2) Lower-Case : Converting to lower case
3) Stemming : Use the base for all the congruent words.
4) Lemmatization : Breaking of a sentence into words.

Text Classification Techniques

For text classification ,or rather any techniques related to text , it is important to understand why a text is always converted to a vector .

t1 and t2 are two texts , v1 and v2 are representations of them ,if similarity t1 and t2 is greater :
distance(v1 , v2) is very small

Due to the above property , similar text can be clustered together which gives a way to classify text to various sub-categories. The below text classification techniques are following the same property and have their unique property to convert a text to a d-dimensional vector , which then is used to classify text to the various categories.

Note : At every end of a technique , a google Colab link is given , to give an understanding of the concept and how to use it in code ,some main points in google Colab are

- It uses “Random-Forrest-Classifier” as a baseline model.

- The main metric used is “F1-Score”.

- “T-SNE” for visualization /Effectiveness of the approach.

Using Bag of Words (BOW)

This is one of the most simple and also an effective approach to convert a text into a d-dimensional vector , lets understand BOW with an example -

corpus: [ “math is logical”,
“my name is Raghav”,
“Data is information”]
corpus[i]: Document#Steps1. Getting all the unique words in the corpus with removal of stop words (removal of stop words is not necessary always):-> math | logical | name | raghav | data | information-> convert to vector : [ , , , , , ]2. Considering this a vector making a vector for each document in the whole corpus:[[1,1,0,0,0,0],[0,0,1,1,0,0],[0,0,0,0,1,1]]

Such simple and effective approach often works well in many problem statements , and give a great results for classification problems , intuitively if we take the above example and our problem statement , words like “math” , “logical” , “data” , “information” will have contribution for the model to understand that weather the sentence is academic or not.

Using this same method , we make our vocab using our train data corpus and using the vocab , we convert our data to a BOW-featurized data.

BOW Working

Results for the problem statement



Summary1. Using BOW was an effective approach for this problem.2. 9749 features were made using BOW features , with n_gram = 13. T-SNE gave very good results , as the data was seen to be very differentiable in terms of visualization.4. For Random-Forrest , F1 — Score for Test dataset : 0.90


Using TF-IDF

Term Frequency -Inverse Document Frequency is a way to convert a text into a vector such that-

1. More importance to more frequent words in a particular document
2. More importance to rarer words in the whole corpus

Following the two rules mentioned above -

Term Frequency

To give more importance to frequent words in a particular document , Term frequency is used, the formula is as follows

Corpus = [ "w1 , w2 , w3 , w1 , w5" ,
"w3 , w2 , w5 , w1 , w7" ,
"w4 , w9 , w2 , w1 , w4" ]
Document[i] = Corpus[i]
number of times w_i in D_i
Term_Frequency(w_i , D_i) = ---------------------------
Total number of words in D_i

Inverse Document Frequency

To give more importance to rarer words in the document ,Inverse Document frequency is used , the formula is as follows

                                       number of Documents
Inverse_Doc_Freq(w_i , Corpus) = log( ---------------------- )
number of Doc with w_i


TF-IDF(w_i , D_i , Corpus) =  TF(w_i , D_i) * IDF(w_i , Corpus) 

Why log in IDF ?

The value of IDF without “log” , can become very large and due to which the complexity is high,

#N = number of Documents
#ni = number of Doc with w_i

For the above graph , the “Red” line is #N/#ni and “Silver” line is log(#N/#ni) , both are increasing but at very different rates.

In the function , log is monotonous , so #N / #ni and log(#N / #ni) has same behavior but log complexity is fast , and if log is not used for idf , for the whole tf-idf equation , idf will dominate the equation. Hence, log is used.

Results for the problem statement


Random Forrest Classifier

Summary 1. Using TF-IDF was an effective approach for this problem.2. 135762 features were made using BOW features , with n_gram = 13. T-SNE gave very good results , as the data was seen more differentiable than BOW in terms of visualization.4. For Random-Forrest , F1 - Score for Test dataset : 0.903



Bag of words and TF-IDF are the most standard/classical approaches anyone can follow and do the classification for the particular dataset , following a particular problem statement.

Hope this blogs give a good foundation on topics related to text-classification

Thank you.

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Further Reading

As shown in the starting of the blog , this is a part-1 to text classification in ML , in the Part-2,with certain shift , it will give the understanding of training a Neural Network, understanding these two together gives a good base to all the text related solutions and problems out there.



Raghav Agarwal
Raghav Agarwal

Written by Raghav Agarwal

Data Scientist with experience at Microsoft, Cummins, and George Washington University.

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